A female-founded British brand disrupting the male-dominated shooting world.
We make shooting dresses for country girls.
Austuin is the first to bring to market a completely new product - the shooting dress.
Typically, shooting (both clay & game) has been a very male-orientated sport, and as such the clothing has reflected that. We've changed the game by designing what women actually want to wear.
In recent years there has been a huge increase in the amount of women shooting. This is partly due to the rise in popularity of clay shooting and the corresponding women's groups that have been set up such as The Shotgun & Chelsea Bun Club. In the gamekeeping world, there has also been a significant increase in the amount of young women and girls choosing to work in farming and estate management.

"During COVID, clay grounds were some of the only things open, so I spent a lot of time touring the clubs in my area with village friends.
Most people wear a 'shooting vest' - a waistcoat with suede shoulder patches (to stop your gun stock from slipping) large double-stitched pockets (to hold cartridges) and interior recoil pads (to absorb shock & prevent bruising.)
Being Summer, I just wanted to wear a dress - which is when it dawned on me - why didn't a shooting dress exist?"
"I have zero experience in the fashion industry - I am a wedding photographer - but once the idea of a shooting dress was in my head, I couldn't get it out.
I spent the rest of lockdown going for long walks across the fields, listening to podcasts in the pouring rain on how to start a clothing brand, and spending a fortune on pattern cutters, sample makers, graders, fabric, factories & seamstresses.
A few months later we launched at the Game Fair. It was a very expensive gamble (and extremely last minute - stock only arrived the day of) but we had a fantastic response. I'll never forget toasting the end of day one, exhausted, saying "I think this might be the first day of my new job.'"
- Amy, Founder

Quick Facts
Made In Britain
Made in Britain by self-employed seamstresses
Available in sizes 6-18, including petite & bespoke
Workers' wages account for just 3% of the selling price of a typical garment in the UK. In comparison, labour costs for each Austuin dress make up over 70% of the final selling price. This means my seamstress is paid a fantastic wage, and we are directly supporting other women's small businesses, which I am incredibly proud of.
The Business
Founded in 2021
Female owner - Amy, 33
Based in Cambridgeshire
5% of profits go to countryside charities
The dresses have all the elements of a traditional shooting vest: suede shoulder patches (to stop your gun stock from slipping) large double-stitched pockets (to hold cartridges) and interior recoil pads (to absorb shock & prevent bruising.) Our shirt dresses also have a pleated back yoke for full arm movement.
Fun Facts
I shoot with a 20 gauge over-and-under shotgun
No previous experience in the fashion industry - I am a wedding photographer
Austuin is pronounced "ost-win"
There are over 30,000 women in the UK who hold a shotgun licence, but many more who shoot. (You do not need a licence to shoot - you only need a licence to own a gun, so many women shoot with a family member's gun.)
Download photos
Email: amy@austuin.com
Phone: +44 7540458764
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/austuincountry/
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@amyoboyle
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/-amy-oboyle/